A guy sitting

Voice Recognition in the Browser: Exploring the Web Speech API and AI

Date: 2023-06-07
Author: Justin

Voice recognition has become a critical part of our digital interactions, driven by AI innovations. Leveraging the power of the Web Speech API, we can now implement this feature directly into our web applications. This post will provide a detailed guide to integrate voice recognition into your browser application using JavaScript.

Overview of the Web Speech API

The Web Speech API allows developers to incorporate voice data into web apps. The API provides two primary interfaces:

  • SpeechRecognition for speech to text conversion.
  • SpeechSynthesis for text to speech conversion.

For this tutorial, we'll delve into the SpeechRecognition interface.

Implementing Speech Recognition

Firstly, we need to check whether the user's browser supports the Web Speech API and create a new SpeechRecognition instance:

window.SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition;
const recognition = new SpeechRecognition();

If the browser supports the SpeechRecognition interface, it's accessible through the window object. The window.webkitSpeechRecognition serves as a fallback for browsers still using the webkit prefix.

Configuring the Speech Recognition Instance

The SpeechRecognition object has various properties you can set:

recognition.continuous = true;
recognition.interimResults = true;
recognition.lang = 'en-US';
  • continuous: This boolean value, when true, allows the speech recognition service to continue listening even if the user pauses while speaking.
  • interimResults: When true, interim (not final) results are returned by the service.
  • lang: Determines the language the service should recognize.

Capturing Speech Recognition Results

The Web Speech API is event-driven. Speech recognition results trigger events that we can capture and process:

recognition.onresult = function(event) {
  const current = event.resultIndex;
  const transcript = event.results[current][0].transcript;

The onresult event handler fires when the speech recognition service returns a result. The returned event object contains an array called results that holds the recognized phrases. The transcript property contains the transcribed text.

Handling Errors and No-Match Events

It's also important to handle error events and situations where the SpeechRecognition service was unable to match any speech input:

recognition.onerror = function(event) {
  console.error('Recognition error: ' + event.error);

recognition.onnomatch = function() {
  console.log('No match for the speech input.');

Starting and Stopping Speech Recognition

The start() and stop() methods control the speech recognition service:


// To stop:

Remember to always provide users a way to stop the recognition service, such as a button or a specific voice command.

Text-to-Speech with the Web Speech API

Now that we have seen how to implement voice recognition with the Web Speech API, let's explore the flip side: text-to-speech. The API offers a SpeechSynthesis interface, which we can use to convert text into speech.

The text-to-speech functionality is incredibly versatile, with potential applications ranging from accessibility enhancements to offering auditory feedback in a web application.

To utilize this feature, we first create an instance of SpeechSynthesisUtterance. This object represents a speech request and contains the content that the speech synthesis service will vocalize.

We then set the properties of the utterance, including the text that will be spoken, the language (in the form of a language code), and aspects of speech such as volume, pitch, and rate. The speechSynthesis.speak() method is used to initiate the speech.

Here's an example:

if ('speechSynthesis' in window) {
    let utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
    utterance.text = 'Hello, this is an example of speech synthesis.';
    utterance.lang = 'en-US';
    utterance.volume = 1;
    utterance.pitch = 1;
    utterance.rate = 1;
} else {
    console.log('Your browser does not support speech synthesis.');

In this code, we first verify if the browser supports speech synthesis. If it does, we create a new SpeechSynthesisUtterance instance and set its properties. Finally, we call the speechSynthesis.speak() method with the utterance as the argument, which causes the browser to vocalize the provided text.

With this, you can now make your browser applications not only understand spoken words but also respond back to users in a voice format. This opens up many exciting possibilities for enhancing user interaction with your web application.

Leveraging AI for Dynamic Speech Synthesis

Combining AI with the SpeechSynthesis interface opens up a plethora of possibilities for more intelligent and dynamic speech synthesis. For instance, we could leverage AI models like GPT-3 to generate human-like text based on certain inputs or contexts, and then vocalize this generated text.

Imagine an application where a user asks a question, the application transcribes the speech into text using speech recognition (as we explored earlier), this text is processed by an AI model to generate an appropriate response, and finally, this response is spoken out loud to the user using speech synthesis. It's like building your very own virtual assistant!

To illustrate, let's assume we have an API server route '/generate-text' which receives a POST request with a 'prompt' body, uses GPT-3 to generate a continuation of the prompt, and returns the generated text. This would allow our application to generate dynamic, context-specific responses for speech synthesis.

Firstly, install axios:

npm install axios

Then, import axios and create a function to make the API call:

import axios from 'axios';

Now, let's say we want to generate a greeting that varies based on the time of day:

let prompt = 'Good morning,';

// Generate dynamic text using GPT-3
axios.post('/generate-text', { prompt: prompt })
  .then(response => {
    let utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
    utterance.text = response.data.generatedText;
    utterance.lang = 'en-US';
    utterance.volume = 1;
    utterance.pitch = 1;
    utterance.rate = 1;

  .catch(error => {

In this code, we're sending a POST request to our '/generate-text' API route with a prompt for GPT-3 to continue. The server uses GPT-3 to generate a continuation of the prompt and sends back the generated text, which we then use as the text for our SpeechSynthesisUtterance.

This allows us to leverage the power of AI to generate more human-like and context-aware speech for our application. Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are many other creative ways you can combine AI and the Web Speech API to create truly interactive experiences.

As always, it's important to remember that while this demonstration is designed to illustrate how you might use AI to enhance speech synthesis, careful consideration should be given to the privacy and security implications in your specific application, and usage of GPT-3 is subject to OpenAI's use case policy and pricing.

Wrapping Up

This is a basic introduction to implementing voice recognition in the browser using JavaScript and the Web Speech API. It's an exciting time to be a web developer, with AI continually opening new possibilities for user interactions. Voice recognition is only one of these, but it's already changing the way we design and use web applications.

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